Yearly Archives: 2012

Dr. Kevin Johnson’s Advanced Aesthetics

VISIA™ Skin Analysis

I remember a cartoon from my childhood: Charlie Brown is shooting arrows into a fence and then painting a target around the arrow. Lucy asks what he is doing and he replies, "I'm making sure I don’t miss." As one of the few cosmetic surgeons in Coeur d'Alene, I offer VISIA™ Skin Analysis to ensure …

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Dr. Kevin Johnson’s Advanced Aesthetics

How Long Does CO2 Laser Last: Answers to SmartSkin™ Laser FAQs (Updated 2023)

The first thing other people see when they look at you is your face. Sadly, as we age we wear our ‘wisdom’ there as a collection of wrinkles, age spots, and deep lines. Fortunately, I have been treating my patients with a nonsurgical technique to help them look younger than they are. This breakthrough is …

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Dr. Kevin Johnson’s Advanced Aesthetics

Are There any Do-Overs in Life?

I remember playing backyard baseball as a kid. At some point, every day someone would swing and miss and then shout “do-over!" I don’t think do-overs are anywhere in the official rules of baseball, but everyone in our backyard knew what that meant - one more pitch. Sadly, life doesn’t always give us do-overs but …

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Introducing 2 New Ways to Reshape Your Body!

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