We are fortunate to have many body contouring options available today. My Coeur d’Alene and Spokane Smartlipo patients are benefitting from a proven liposuction alternative, and increasingly, I am seeing men and women who want to smooth and shape their body with CoolSculpting, a completely nonsurgical option. So which is better, CoolSculpting or Smartlipo liposuction? These two treatments can achieve very different goals, and knowing the difference is important because each offers its own benefits.
CoolSculpting Benefits
CoolSculpting is beneficial for people whose fat deposits are localized. Simply put, it is:
- A non-surgical body-contouring option
- Highly effective at removing fat deposits in typical “trouble spots”
- Especially beneficial for women and men close to their ideal weight
- Best suited to those seeking a more contoured, toned look
CoolSculpting Elite, the latest iteration of the platform, has 7 different specially designed applicators that allow us to target a wide range of treatment areas covering the entire body. We can treat a larger area than before, freezing up to 18% more fat in one session. We can also treat 2 areas at one time, making the treatment not only more effective, but more efficient for you.

CoolSculpting Before and After Photos
Smartlipo Benefits
Smartlipo is beneficial for people who want to achieve a better-looking body overall. Briefly, it is:
- A minimally invasive surgical body contouring option
- Highly effective at removing unwanted fat cells in multiple areas
- Especially beneficial for women and men wanting a less invasive option to liposuction
- Best suited to those seeking a dramatically thinner, sleeker silhouette
Unlike CoolSculpting, Smartlipo does involve incisions, anesthesia, and a little downtime. Most people compare the soreness after liposuction to what you feel after a really tough workout. However, many patients prefer Smartlipo for its precision and ability to “fine tune” trouble spots, large and small, all over the body.

CoolSculpting vs. Smartlipo Liposuction: Who’s the Winner? You!
Both options require less downtime, involve less risk, and are less painful than traditional liposuction. However, neither is intended as a weight loss procedure, and both work best for people at a healthy BMI. Learn more about these procedures and seek the advice of a surgeon who performs both for a more personalized recommendation about which one is right for you.
You can request a consultation online, or call us at
(208) 676-8346 to make an appointment.
Yes, I am interested in your pricing for each procedure. Smart lipo of full body contouring, breast reduction, skin tightening, laser skin rejuvenation, fillers (preferably natural filler’s, radience?, more permanent filler’s. Approximate pricing of> Thank you.
Thank you for contacting Advanced Aesthetics. I would be happy to discuss pricing. Please call my office so we can discuss your individual needs further.
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Hi Alicia,
We apologize for taking so long to respond to your comment. We offer free consultations for treatments if you request the consultation online. Visit the Contact Us page and complete the form and we’ll be in touch with you soon here: https://www.advancedaestheticsmd.com/contact.cfm
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