VISIA™ Skin Analysis

Dr. Kevin Johnson’s Advanced Aesthetics

I remember a cartoon from my childhood:
Charlie Brown is shooting arrows into a fence and then painting a target around the arrow. Lucy asks what he is doing and he replies, “I’m making sure I don’t miss.”
As one of the few cosmetic surgeons in Coeur d’Alene, I offer VISIA™ Skin Analysis to ensure that my practice doesn’t “miss” skin care treatments.
The VISIA Digital Skin Analysis identifies trouble areas of your complexion. After running an analysis of your skin, our team is able to customize a skin care program that specifically targets imperfections.
With this tool, we can take a clinical measurement of pigment conditions and surface and subsurface epidermal irregularities. This allows us to see the exact extent of skin damage, and which treatments will provide the best rejuvenation results.
Each patient is unique; your skin care plan will vary depending on your analysis. By analyzing your complexion, we will be able to see the following:

  • Depth of pores
  • Extent of wrinkles
  • Pigmented areas
  • UV damage
  • Bacterial accumulation

Here’s how it works:
The photographic technology of the VISIA captures a clear, multi-dimensional image of your face. The results of the analysis will provide us with the framework for creating a personalized rejuvenation program to gain optimal improvement in your skin color and texture. We provide patients a detailed complexion report that focuses on specific target areas and treatments.
The VISIA Digital Skin Analysis at Advanced Aesthetics usually takes about 30 minutes to complete, and then we will discuss with you the various product and treatment recommendations that can give you the highest level of skin rejuvenation.
This is available to all our patients in Washington and Idaho, as well as those who travel to visit us from Montana, Wyoming and Seattle.
When it comes to skin rejuvenation, we recommend VISIA to guarantee “we don’t miss.” Give us a call at (208) 676-8346 and let us get a plan in place!

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