Advanced Aesthetics:
Kevin Johnson, MD, FACS
608 Northwest Boulevard #301
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: (208) 676-8346
Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Dermal Fillers Before & After Case 16, Coeur d'Alene, ID, Spokane, WA

Before & After
Case Details
This patient is a 62-year-old woman from North Idaho concerned about the typical changes of the aging face which include: wrinkles, texture changes, fine lines, volume loss, laxity, and facial drooping of the cheeks and at the corners of the mouth. She also has concerns about love handles and varicose veins. All of these issues were addressed and the patient was evaluated with a Visia™ computerized digital complexion analysis. The most striking issue was the loss of volume in the midface and a tear trough deformity which typically causes our patients to complain of either dark circles under the eyes or bags under the eyes. Treatment recommendations consisted of CO2 fractional resurfacing, dermal fillers, and Smartlipo bodysculpting for the "muffin tops." Choosing to get the most "bang for the buck," we agreed on facial rejuvenation and volume restoration with JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC and JUVEDERM Ultra Plus XC, which is formulated with the numbing medication Lidocaine for more comfort during the procedure. We placed a total of 6 syringes of the dermal filler in the tear troughs, midface and at the corners of the mouth (oral commisure). As you can see, this created a fresher, more rested and younger look without looking artificial or plastic. Many of our dermal filler patients are thrilled with the immediate improvement that fillers create in a procedure that is comfortable for them and takes less than an hour.
Are you researching cosmetic or plastic surgeons in Spokane, WA or Couer d'Alene, ID? Learn more about Dr. Kevin Johnson or call (509) 209-2171 or (208) 676-8346.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Kevin M. Johnson, MD, FACS
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.