‘Lunchtime’ Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise, Spokane Surgeon Reports

Dr. Kevin Johnson’s Advanced Aesthetics

Cosmetic surgery specialist in Spokane Dr. Kevin Johnson says more patients are turning to non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures on their lunch breaks. His practice offers a range of treatments with minimal to no downtime.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (January 2014) — Dr. Kevin Johnson (www.advancedaestheticsmd.com), says more and more aesthetic patients are choosing non-surgical options and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery. He says his Spokane clientele mirrors a national trend toward quicker options that require little downtime.

The rise in the rate of these “lunchtime” procedures has been well documented over the past couple of years as more non-surgical and minimally invasive options have come on the market. According to 2012 statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), surgical procedures increased 3% from the previous year, and non-surgical options increased 10%.

“I’ve definitely seen a surge,” Dr. Johnson says, “and it has a lot to do with how effective these non-surgical treatments really are.”

Among the most popular, he says, are body contouring options that offer a viable alternative to liposuction. At his Spokane, WA practice, he still performs minimally invasive Smartlipo™ for those who want the precision and dramatic results liposuction delivers. However, many people are now choosing CoolSculpting®, a non-surgical treatment that uses intense cold to destroy fat cells. The body gradually eliminates the treated fat over the course of several months. A treatment requires no recovery time and takes about an hour, and it can result in a 25% fat reduction on the abdomen, lower back, or thighs.

Other non-surgical body contouring options that Dr. Johnson — and his patients — have adopted in recent years include cellulite treatments that use laser energy, massage, and vacuum suction to stimulate circulation and rid the body of the lumpy, dimpled appearance that commonly occurs on the thighs, hips, and buttocks. They also require minimal downtime, meaning patients can return to work or other activities immediately.

By far the most popular “lunchtime” procedure nationwide, though, is BOTOX® Cosmetic injections, with 8.5 million treatments in 2012, according to the ASAPS. Many advancements have been made in recent years in the field of anti-aging injectables, Dr. Johnson says, and many patients he sees say they turn to such treatments as an alternative to facial plastic surgery.

At his Spokane and Coeur d’Alene practice, in fact, he offers a custom procedure called a “Liquid Face Lift,” which combines BOTOX Cosmetic and injectable dermal fillers to take years off in less than an hour, with little to no downtime.

“These procedures cost a fraction of the price of surgery, and the downtime is far less,” Dr. Johnson says. “It’s no wonder these procedures are becoming so popular.”

Although the “lunchtime” procedures are not as complex as plastic surgery, Dr. Johnson cautions that patients should still seek qualified medical professionals to have them done. Some of the treatments can be found at day spas or similar facilities, but they are best performed under the auspices of a licensed physician.

“A licensed doctor has training in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, and so much more,” Dr. Johnson says. “You’re not likely to find that level of knowledge and experience at a spa or salon. Patients are safest in a doctor’s hands, and the results are worth it.”

To learn more about “lunchtime” non-surgical treatments, request your complimentary consultation online or call us at  (208) 676-8346.



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