Fat Transfer

Many of us think of “fat” as the enemy, but Dr. Kevin Johnson can make your unwanted fat work for you. Advanced Aesthetics in Coeur d’Alene, ID, offers fat transfer for patients from Spokane, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, and Kennewick, WA, and the surrounding areas. Also called fat grafting, this procedure essentially moves fat from one area of your body where it’s unwanted, such as your abdomen, to another part of your body, such as your breasts, where you could use a little more. The result feels and looks incredibly natural and can last for years.

If you are interested in fat transfer, request a consultation online or call us at (208) 676-8346. Dr. Johnson and the rest of the team at Advanced Aesthetics serve people from throughout Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Montana.

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Areas Augmented With Fat Transfer

Women and men from Kennewick, Moses Lake, and Wenatchee, WA, and communities in the Spokane area visit Dr. Johnson at Advanced Aesthetics for fat transfer to attain a variety of improvements, including:

  • Augmenting the buttocks with a Brazilian butt lift
  • Performing natural breast augmentation
  • Concealing breast implant rippling
  • Correcting liposuction contour irregularities
  • Filling in soft tissue deformities

How Much Does Fat Transfer Cost in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene?

The cost for fat transfer, which commonly includes complete liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, starts at $10,000 and varies with the specifics of the procedure such as treatment area and volume of fat transferred. We provide our Spokane and Coeur d’Alene patients with a personalized quote as part of the initial consultation. At Advanced Aesthetics, we strive to keep our rates competitive. We also offer financing options to help you fit your desired treatment into your budget.

Good Fat Transfer Candidates

Fat transfer uses your own fat, so the procedure is usually well-tolerated by most patients. You’re likely a good candidate for this technique if you meet the following qualifications:

  • You have enough existing body fat to use for augmentation
  • You’re generally in good physical and mental health
  • You have reasonable, clear goals for your results

Fat transfer also makes a nice option for women who have previously considered breast augmentation with implants but may want more subtle results.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer adds fullness and volume to several areas of the body to create shapely, balanced contours. It’s most frequently used to increase breast size during breast augmentation and to craft round, full buttocks during a Brazilian butt lift.

Fat transfer treatment areas for the breasts and buttocks

Fat Transfer Procedure

Fat transfer begins with removing unwanted fat via liposuction. Dr. Johnson uses a gentle technique to ensure the harvested fat cells survive and are suitable for transfer. Common “donor sites” for fat transfer include the abdomen and inner thighs, although other locations may be suitable, too.

Liposuction requires only a few small incisions, so the resulting scars are quite inconspicuous. Your procedure will be performed entirely under local anesthesia with oral sedation medications. There are no IV’s and no general anesthesia. During your initial consultation, Dr. Johnson helps you better understand what to expect.

Once Dr. Johnson removes the fat, he processes and purifies it, which helps increase the percentage of fat cells that will survive in their new location. He then injects the donor fat into the area of your body that you wish to augment. He carefully shapes the treated area to ensure soft, natural-looking curves.

Dr. Kevin Johnson

Dr. Kevin Johnson

Welcome to Advanced Aesthetics. Throughout my years serving the body contouring and facial rejuvenation needs of people in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene, I’ve learned a lot—including how to meet my patients where they are. If you’re like most of our guests, you’re busy, you want to address a specific concern, but you might not know where to begin. We’re ready to help.

Meet Dr. Kevin Johnson

Fat Transfer Recovery

Fat transfer is an outpatient procedure, meaning you return home the same day. Typically, fat transfer patients can comfortably return to their usual activities within a few days.

Here’s what else you can expect from your fat transfer recovery:

  • Bruising and swelling: Expect these aftereffects at both the liposuction and injection sites; they will subside after a few weeks.
  • Pain management: Patients generally experience more soreness and discomfort than pain. Prescription main medication or over-the-counter pain relievers are usually needed for only the first few days after surgery.
  • Compression garment: We may apply a compression garment to aid in healing. This garment adds consistent pressure to the surgical site to reduce swelling and support the area.
  • Return to work: Most patients feel well enough to return to work after 10 to 14 days.
  • Exercise: Start taking short, slow walks as soon as you feel able to do so; most strenuous activities can be resumed after 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Time to results: You will see an immediate physical change but will need to wait 3 to 6 months for swelling to decrease and the fat to “settle” into place.

Fat Transfer Results

The results of your fat transfer are immediate, but changes in the appearance of your results are normal within the first few weeks, as swelling goes down and some of the transferred fat is absorbed. For the first few weeks, augmented areas will be bruised and swollen. Results become more noticeable gradually as swelling subsides.

It typically takes 3 to 6 months to achieve the final results. After the transferred fat stabilizes and develops a new blood supply, the enhancements can last indefinitely.

Fat Transfer FAQ

Does fat transfer really work?

Yes. Dr. Johnson takes special care to ensure as many fat cells as possible are not damaged and stay viable. He uses equal care when injecting the fat into its new location. While not all of the fat survives, Dr. Johonson takes this into account when determining how much fat to transfer.

Is breast augmentation with fat transfer better than breast implants?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a good choice for women who want a natural way to attain a modest increase in breast size (about a cup size).

How much fat is needed for fat transfer surgery?

The amount of fat needed varies with patient needs and the areas being augmented; for example, more fat is needed to enhance the buttocks than the breasts. In most cases, Dr. Johnson is able to collect enough fat by harvesting it from multiple areas on the patient’s body.

Is fat transfer painful?

Fat transfer surgery typically involves mild discomfort and tenderness, which is well-managed with prescribed pain medication or over-the-counter pain relievers.

What’s the best age for fat transfer surgery?

Suitability for fat transfer surgery has less to do with age than it does with the patient’s overall health, body composition, and specific aesthetic goals. During your consultation, we can discuss whether you are a good candidate for fat transfer or other options.

Should I lose weight before a fat transfer?

We encourage patients to be at a relatively stable weight before their procedure—significant weight fluctuations can potentially affect your results.

Dr. Johnson and his team are excited to help you reveal your most beautiful body. Request your complimentary consultation online, or call us at (208) 676-8346 to schedule your visit.

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